Local Law 152: December Deadline Update
Nov 09, 2022

Local Law 152 Recap

When the DOB first introduced and passed Local Law 152 Gas Pipe Inspections, the property management industry reacted with backlash. The law's original start date was set to January 2019, but what followed was a slew of subsequent revisions that delayed its implementation until January 1, 2020. 

Based on the available data, we were able to understand that most of the industry was slow to comply with the law - as there was confusion, anger and frustration on our parts as building managers and owners. Not to mention, the DOB’s hand at organizing and executing the law has been unclear and inconsistent. As such, there have been deadline extensions and a noticeable lack of penalties issued to noncompliant buildings.

December Deadline - Our Expectations of DOB Not Moving the Deadlines

The reason the DOB has continually messed with deadlines and implemented extensions, we believe, was brought on by nuances of implementing a new law and low building compliance. Originally, there was no provision in the law or rules for applying for an extension. As of March 2022, the DOB has amended Local Law 152 to allow for 180-day extensions.

What we expect going into this latest deadline is that the DOB will not be moving any deadlines or issuing another statement on extensions. Reason being, they’ve already provided blanket 6 month extensions for the community districts to boost gas inspection compliance. On top of the fact that they haven’t been issuing any fines yet. And lastly, the DOB even dropped the fines in half, from $10,000 to $5,000 as you can read in this
NYC Service Update.

How DOB Has Handled Late Filings with Other Laws in the Past

We’ve seen the DOB move deadlines and delay issuing fines for other Local Laws in the past. So, it is unsurprising to see that the DOB has moved deadlines and fines around in the way they have for Local Law 152. 

That being said, at some point, the DOB has no choice but to start issuing fines for violations or noncompliance. Especially now, after the original set of standards has been years in the making. Our experience tells us that the DOB will eventually start issuing these, and we feel as if that time is rapidly approaching.

What We Learned From the Last Scheduling Deadline

Corrective Action and Extension Filing

We found many people who had corrective action had to file for an extension since their CA’s were not completed before the deadline. As we know that most people aren’t too happy to have to deal with gas line inspections, let alone take the time to schedule, file, complete corrections, etc. Our advice for this situation would be to eliminate some of the hassle and schedule early, so that when the deadline comes, having to file for an extension won’t be anything to worry about.


In the recent past, there was a huge influx of people rushing to comply with their deadlines at the last minute. The rush started 1-2 months out from the deadline, and we were booked past the due date at six weeks pre-deadline. We also know from past experience there’s always a rush at the end of the year. Our advice for this situation is simple: book your inspection early. You don’t want your back against the wall and risk having to schedule past the deadline. 

In Conclusion: Schedule Early!

With just two months to the end of 2022, we know the DOB will likely not move the deadline again and will soon start issuing fines to buildings that aren’t in compliance. To be clear, the fine is $5000 per building that is noncompliant, which can add up fast if you own multiple properties.

Further, there will be a massive influx in scheduling before the end of the year. And we do book up fast. As we have experienced, it’s better to complete the inspection early and not have to hassle with going back and forth on corrective actions and re-inspection dates, not to mention the possibility of having to file an extension.

So, the earlier you book your LL152 inspection, the better.

Why is JTG the Leading Provider in Local Law 152 Inspections?

JTG is an NYC-based company that works with property managers to guide them in obtaining compliance with NYC Local Law 152, Periodic Gas Pipe System (GPS) inspection. We pride ourselves with knowing how to help our customers through the process of dealing with the DOB, handling paperwork, and overall making the inspection process simple. We know what the law says, so you don’t have to. 

Contact JTG Master Plumbing today and let us set your mind at ease!

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